Прощавай, Vue, привіт, React.

I haven’t built with a front end framework in probably 4 years, but when I did, Vue was my favorite. Having built two UIs recently, one in Vue and one in React, React is the clear winner for a couple reasons. (yes, I know I’m late to the party)

  1. Integrating a component library is easy. With Vue, you almost have to start with a Vuetify (or other) install and once there, you are stuck with vendor lock in. With React, very straightforward to include or remove.

  2. UseEffect hook. A major issue with all the big front end frameworks once your UI gets big enough is performance, and one of the main offenders is how they handle state change detection. AngularJS was terrible, Angular’s zone.js approach was marginally better, and Vue’s dependency chain monitoring was better still. React gave it to the developer to decide. It seems stupidly simple, but what a useful approach.

At this point I am only reaching for React and will be rebuilding my Vue front end in React. (and with AI it’ll probably take me a day, but that’s another post)

Перекладено з: Goodbye Vue, Hello React.

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